Bolles Family Association

Provide information to persons interested in The Bolles Family Association and Genealogy

Bolles Family Association

Provide information to persons interested in The Bolles Family Association and Genealogy

From Swineshead in England...

to Wells, Maine in America...

and all around the world!

If you or your ancestors were born with the surname Bolles/Bolle/Boles/Bowles, it is likely you are related to the 13th century family located in the northern area of England known as Swineshead, Lincolnshire, Worksop, and Nottinghamshire.

Bolles Family Ancestry

Through fifteen Kings, we can trace our family line directly back to Cerdic, King of the West Saxons, circa 519 AD. Our male line traces from our immigrant ancestor, Joseph Bolles (1608-1678) of Worksop, Nottingham and Wells, Maine. Joseph arrived in Wells circa 1640. He is descended from Lord Alaine Bolle, circa 1216 AD, of Swineshead, Lincolnshire. Through Joseph's grandmother, Anne Goodrick, our line can easily be traced back to Cerdic and beyond.

The story of our family connects us with over fifteen hundred years of British and American history, with many momentous historical events. For example, at the signing of the famous Magna Carta at Runnymede on 15 June 1215, eight of the thirteen Barons can be traced to our Bolles ancestry. Bolles descendants range from everyday people, to the extraordinary Lucille Ball and Robert Frost! The family is, to say the least, a very interesting and colorful one.